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Evening Services at 7:00 pm each night.

Day 1 - Monday, October 21

Silent Entrance

O Salutaris during incensation

Hymn - 730 Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence

Responsorial 1  - You are a priest forever, in the line of Melchizedek.  Psalm 110: The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi), year C. Music: Owen Alstott

Responsorial 2  - All the ends of the earth have seen the saving power of God. Psalm 98: The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas): At the Mass during the Day, all years. Music: Owen Alstott

Antiphon (Cathy)

Reading and Homily - Responsory (chanted by Father)

Canticle - Gospel Canticle (Magnificat) - 210 -Bernadette Farrell 

Benediction Hymn - 291 - Down in Adoration Falling

Hymn after Blessing and Divine Praises - 319 At the Lamb's High Feast

Day 2 - Tuesday, October 22

Silent Entrance

O Saving Victim 427 during incensation

Hymn - 645 Eye Has Not Seen

Responsorial 1 Lord it is good to give thanks to you. Psalm 92: 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time, year B. Music: Owen Alstott

Responsorial 2 Shepherd me, O God, beyond my wants, beyond my fears, from death into life. Words and Music by Marty Haugan

Antiphon (Cathy)

Reading and Homily - Responsory (chanted by Father)

Canticle - Gospel Canticle - Mary's Song -375 - Millie Reith

Benediction Hymn - 291 - Tantum Ergo Sacramentum

Hymn after Blessing and Divine Praises - 360 To Jesus Christ Our Sovereign King

Day 3 -Wednesday, October 23

Silent Entrance

O Salutaris during incensation

Hymn - 288 Where Charity and Love Prevail

Responsorial 1 - I will take the cup of salvation, and call on the name of the Lord. Psalm 116: The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi), year B. Music: Owen Alstott

Responsorial 2 - In the sight of the angels, I will sing your praises Lord. Psalm 138: Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, year C. Music: Owen Alstott

Antiphon (Cathy)

Reading and Homily - Responsory (chanted by Father)

Canticle - Gospel Canticle - Luke1: My Soul Rejoices  BB824 - Owen Alstott

Intercessions - Lord's Prayer

Outdoor Procession forms while Jason sings Ecce Panis Angelorum

Procession Hymn - 493 I Am the Bread of Life

Benediction Hymn - 291 Down in Adoration Falling

Hymn after Blessing and Divine Praises - 721 Holy God We Praise Thy Name