Welcome to St. Philip Neri Catholic Church

We are the Catholic Parish Community of St. Philip Neri, answering Christ’s call to Discipleship through Word, Sacrament and Service.  We proclaim God’s hope and love to all.

Learn More

Mass Times:

Saturday Vigil: 4:00 pm

Sunday: 7:30 am & 10:00 am

Weekday Mass (in St. Anne Chapel)

Mon - Fri 8:00 am

First Friday Mass is at 9:00 am (in the church)

Confessions: Saturday 3-3:45pm

or by appt (call the rectory)

Watch Sunday Mass on our Facebook page!


Paint By Heart
Benjamin Cello
Episode 5

The Last Days
The Passion and Death of Jesus the Christ
w/ Jonathan Roumie

I Am Who I Am
Lectio: God
Episode 1

Our parish has a FORMED subscription.
Visit signup.formed.org and select our parish name.

Men's Night Out With Fr. Anthony
Event Details and Calendar Reminder
Forty Hours Devotions
Annual Solemn Eucharistic Devotions

Monday October 21
Tuesday October 22
Wednesday October 23

Homilist: Reverend Michael Olivere

Trunk or Treat
Donations and Volunteers Needed
Event Details and Calendar Reminder
Funeral Announcement
Barbara J. Trumbore

A memorial mass will be held at 10 AM on Saturday, October 5th at St Anthony of Padua Roman Catholic Parish, 259 Forest Ave, Ambler, PA 19002.

For further details please use the link below to the Obituary Notice at Mann-Slonaker Funeral Home.

Obituary and Funeral Arrangement Details
Fall 2024 Book Review
The Joy of the Gospel

If you need a different day or time, or have any questions, please contact Eileen Koch at 215-696-2089 or  adultfaithformation@spnparish.org

Our guided discussion groups will begin the week of Sept 9, except Monday will begin 9/16, for 9 weeks. We will read approx. 20-25 pages per week.

Registration will be held after all masses weekends of July 27-28 and Aug 3-4.

Fall Cleanup
Volunteers Needed
Event Details and Calendar Reminder
The Philippians
A Ministry for Parents and Children

The Philippians is a group ministry of St. Philip Neri Parish, providing fellowship, catechesis, connections, prayer, faith formation and fun for parents and children who share similar Christian values.

The Philippians
New Parish Handbook

A new Parish Handbook is available at the link below for download, printing, or viewing.

SPN Parish Handbook
New Parishioner Applications

New parishioner applications can be made several ways.

Using the button below will take you to a form for online submission of the basic information required to begin the process. Using this method will prompt a follow up call or email from our rectory office in order to complete the application.

Otherwise please use the contact information here to either place a call to our rectory office or to use the contact form available there. Either way someone from the rectory office will respond.

Thank you for your interest in our St. Philip Neri parish!

Please register here!
Check out this month's newsletter!
--from the Archdiocese Office for the New Evangelization

Every month our Archdiocese of Philadelphia publishes a newsletter containing a wealth of information and opportunities to explore your faith in our area.  Please take a moment and learn what our Archdiocese has to offer!

Monthly Newsletter Office of New Evangelization Facebook Page

Mother of Mercy House

Food Distribution

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Eucharistic Adoration

Adoration times:

Mon-Fri 9am to 7pm

1st Fri 10am to 7pm

Sat 10am-4pm