4:00 pm K. Katrinak/T. Stubits

7:30 am  C. Faust/J. Strefeler

10:00 am C. Faust/J. Strefeler/choir - use scrutinies readings

Readings - 816 (814 if scrutinies)

Mass of St. Frances Cabrini with memorial acclamation When We Eat This Bread ...

Entrance -  I Hear the Voice of Jesus   GP 646

Responsorial Psalm and Gospel Acclamation- R&A 52 & 53

Presentation & Preparation of the Gifts - Jesus, Meek and Humble BB 505

Communion -  Here I Am Lord  GP 539

Praise Refrain - Change Our Hearts (refrain 2x)  GP 264

Sending Forth -  Save Your People  GP 276