4:00 K. Katrinak/R.Benko

7:30 C. Faust/J. Strefeler

10:00 C. Faust/J. Strefeler/choir

Readings - 941

Mass of Christ the Savior with Memorial Acclamation "When We Eat This Bread..."

Entrance - 662 Love Divine, All Loves Excelling

Responsorial Psalm - R&A 148

Gospel Acclamation - R&A 149

Presentation & Preparation of the Gifts - 636 Open My Eyes

Communion - 613 Seek Ye First

Sending Forth - 683 Christ Be Our Light

More Great Hymns to go with the liturgy of the day - 279 Seek the Lord; 614 Amazing Grace; 459 Our God is Here; BB546 From All That Dwell Below the SKies; 731 Praise the Lord, Ye Heavens; 772 I Have Loved You; 654 There is a Balm In Gilead; 594 We Wlak By Faith; 629 Stand By Me; 599 The Jesus Song; 514 Vine and Branches; 562 Only This I Want; 704 Now Thank We All Our God; 722 Sing to the Mountains