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4:00 pm C. Faust

7:30 am  C. Faust./J. Strefeler

10:00 am    K. Katrinak/J. Strefeler/choir   

Readings  932

Mass of Christ the Savior with Memorial Acclamation "When we eat this bread ..."

Entrance -  778 Morning Has Broken

Responsorial Psalm - R&A 142

Gospel Acclamation - R&A 143

Presentation and Preparation of the Gifts - 658 Endless is Your Love

Communion -   498 One Bread, One Body

Praise Refrain -  722 Sing to the Mountains (refrain)

Sending Forth - 705 For the Beauty of the Earth

More Great Hymns - 714  All Creatures of Our God and King, 731 Praise the Lord, Ye Heavens, Tend the Ground, 545 Companions on the Journey, 772 I Have Loved You, 453 Where Love is Found, 665 Love One Another, 331 This Day was Mde By the Lord; Beloved, Arise; 144 Taste and See; 601 For You Are My GGod; 361 Alleluia! SIng to Jesus