Welcome to St. Philip Neri Catholic Church

Our Parish Vision Statement
St Philip Neri Parish will be grounded on the ideals of our Patron Saint; charity, cheerfulness
and humility, as we foster encounters with the transformative love of Jesus Christ. We
envision a welcoming community and joyful liturgical celebrations, characterized by
inspirational homilies, beautiful music and conscious participation by all parishioners. We
will listen and respond to the needs of the faithful and disengaged. We will provide lifelong
faith formation for all ages, focused on deepening a personal relationship with Jesus. We
will be the hands and feet of Christ as we actively perform corporal works of mercy and
serve those in need in the Upper Perkiomen Valley.

Learn More

Mass Times:

** Note Mass is being held in the Parish Hall until further notice due to heating issues in the main Church.

Saturday Vigil: 4:00 pm

Sunday: 7:30 am & 10:00 am

Weekday Mass (in St. Anne Chapel)

Mon - Fri 8:00 am

First Friday Mass is at 9:00 am (in the church)

Confessions: Saturday 3-3:45pm

or by appt (call the rectory)

Watch Sunday Mass on our Facebook page!

The MONTHLY BINGO and BREAKFAST are CANCELLED during our time in the Hall.

Weekday Rosary Schedule
Saint Anne Chapel

Mondays: 7:10AM

Tuesdays: 7:10AM

Wednesdays: No Rosary

Thursdays: 7:10AM

Fridays: 7:10AM

Sacrament of Reconciliation

Do you want to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation but Saturday afternoon isn’t a convenient time? Do you prefer to confess to a priest you don’t know? Following are the scheduled confession times for nearby parishes and shrines. (These times were obtained from the Parish/Shrine websites and are subject to change.)

St. Teresa of Calcutta (Royersford)
Saturday – 4:00 pm – 4:30 pm

St. Isidore’s (Quakertown)
Tuesday – 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Saturday – 10:30 am – 11:30 am, 4:00 pm – 4:45 pm
Sunday – 9:15 am – 10:15 am

Most Blessed Sacrament (Bally)
Saturday – 3:15 pm – 4:00 pm

National Centre for Padre Pio (Barto)
First Saturday – 9:30 am – 10:15 am

Our Lady of Czestochowa (Doylestown)
Chapel (Lower Church)
Monday – Saturday – 11:00 am through the 11:30 am Mass
Saturday – During 5:00 pm Vigil Mass
Main Church (Upper Church)
Sunday – During all scheduled Masses
8:00 AM, 9:30 am, 11:00 am, 12:30 pm, 2:30 pm, 5:00 pm

Senior Club luncheons cancelled in January and February

Due to the situation with the hall and the continued set-up and take down of
chairs, the Senior Club luncheons are cancelled for January and February
2025. Hopefully, we will be able to return in March.
Wishing everyone a blessed and Merry Christmas and healthy and Happy
New Year.

SPN Senior Club Planning Committee

Thank you to everyone in our St. Phil Neri parish who continue to help us feed the people of Kensington, Philadelphia. The Mother of Mercy House also sends their prayers and gratitude to us.

At Christmas time this year we would like to give Blessing Bags to the Outdoor Friends of M.O.M.H..We are asking for any donations from the list below that you would like to contribute. For anyone who would like to assemble A Blessing Bag
Themselves, there are two samples in the church entrance near the large wooden box.
Sample Items for Blessing Bags:

Tooth paste and brush, floss,comb,brush
Deodorant, shampoo, body wash,bar soap, baby wipes
Nail clippers, chap stick,razor, wet wipes, lotion
Pens, notepad,bandaids,hand sanitize
Gloves,hats, scarves

Crackers, granola bars,gum, mints,candy bar
Pouch tuna, bottle waterprotein bar, nuts,sporks

Laundry small pods, quarters for laundy mart

As always, Thank you for you Generosity.


30 Minutes BC

A Spiritual Pilgrimage

Christmas (Part 2)
What Catholics Believe

Our parish has a FORMED subscription.
Visit signup.formed.org and select our parish name.

Sign Up Here
Pastoral Priority - Next Generation Parish

Please visit our new page for the Next Generation Parish initiative to find out more!

Visit Here!
Expectant Mother’s Mass
Sunday, December 22nd during the 10:00 AM Mass

On Sunday, December 22nd during the 10:00 am Mass, there will be a special blessing for expectant mothers. If you are expecting or know someone who is, please call the Parish Office at 215-679-9275 or email Marlene Leidy at parishoutreach@spnparish.org. Please let us know if you plan to attend, by December 16th so that we can prepare accordingly. Thank You!

The Philippians
A Ministry for Parents and Children

The Philippians is a group ministry of St. Philip Neri Parish, providing fellowship, catechesis, connections, prayer, faith formation and fun for parents and children who share similar Christian values.

The Philippians
New Parish Handbook

A new Parish Handbook is available at the link below for download, printing, or viewing.

SPN Parish Handbook
New Parishioner Registrations

New parishioner registrations can be made several ways.

Using the button below will take you to a form for online submission of the basic information required to begin the process. Using this method will prompt a follow up call or email from our rectory office in order to complete the registration.

Otherwise please use the contact information here to either place a call to our rectory office or to use the contact form available there. Either way someone from the rectory office will respond.

Thank you for your interest in our St. Philip Neri parish!

Please register here!
Check out this month's newsletter!
--from the Archdiocese Office for the New Evangelization

Every month our Archdiocese of Philadelphia publishes a newsletter containing a wealth of information and opportunities to explore your faith in our area.  Please take a moment and learn what our Archdiocese has to offer!

Monthly Newsletter Office of New Evangelization Facebook Page


Mark your calendars for these great events coming up.

Mother of Mercy House

Food Distribution

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Eucharistic Adoration

Adoration times:

Mon-Fri 9am to 7pm

1st Fri 10am to 7pm

Sat 10am-4pm